end clothing 避税

提问时间:2019-11-25 10:45
admin 2019-11-25 10:45



,阿迪达斯(Adidas)Originals在2011年发起了一个联合项目,发布了Begins x Adidas Originals限量版运动鞋。

2012年,新百伦(New Balance)发起了“渔人节”联合计划,这是当今大红新百伦与国内潮流商店之间的第一个合作计划。 2012年4月1日,Begins x New balance Sonic 574上市。在正式的Begins商店中,New Balance指定商店与Hanon和EndClothing等国外知名商店同时出售。它们基本上在三天内就被抢购一空,并且对国内外趋势产生了很大的影响。 。

同年5月,在Begins成立一周年之际,该公司与美国著名品牌Outdoor开展了一项联合项目,并发布了Begins X Outdoor Backpack作为一周年限量背包。该纪念系列的设计灵感来自周必昌的美国之行。当时,她不打算走进当地的教堂。太阳照进了教堂的玻璃杯,呈现的图案使她想起了图案。除了将主题图案移植到书包之外,这款背包还使用了Cordura生产的功能性尼龙面料!

同年7月,他与Reebok Reebok联合推出了726个“英雄归来”计划,并在周必昌27岁生日那天的7月26日发布了Beginning X Reebok蜘蛛侠英雄主题T恤。 。在短短三天内,该系列就被抢走了。

2013年,与Lacoste于3月2日启动了一个联合项目,以推广Beginning X Lacoste生态主题的联名运动鞋,而在Begins北京店,杭州店,淘宝店,3NITY综合潮店和Lacoste鞋类商店出售。

同年5月,与Reebok一起,“ Size Trends Life”重新发布了一项联合计划,以弥补去年7月26日发布的两件T恤已售罄的遗憾。作为锐步夏季图形T恤的特别系列,周必昌不仅参与了设计,还制作了特别版海报以回馈热情的粉丝。联合T恤的设计采用“ ReeStart”和“ ReeBorn”两个主题,并以完全不同的方式表达“梦游中的经典重生”的概念。它于5月18日在全国范围内发行。

。同时,为了支持和促进亚洲的独立艺术设计力量,Begins应Vans邀请邀请共同推出亚洲艺术联盟Tee,并推出开始X Vans GSD合作T恤。它于24日在北京,杭州,淘宝和全国各大Vans商店发售。 6月,Begins与瑞士艺术家Niklaus Troxler(国际知名的图形设计大师,设计教育促进者,爵士音乐节的组织者)发起了一个联合项目,发布了6 Begins X Niklaus Troxler图形T恤和环保袋,马克杯,手机壳。

7月,Begins与Scent Library发起了一个联合项目,并在7月26日的周必昌周末在Begins Beijing发行了Begins X香水库Demeter-Rain Garden香水,当周必昌诞辰时限量726瓶。杭州,沉阳,淘宝店和气味库在各个城市的商店都有出售。

同时,Begins邀请了50多个国际顶级时尚品牌参加7月28日至29日在上海展览中心举行的2013 YO'HOOD Trends,带来了新产品和独家产品。已售出,发行了YOHOS独家发售的Begins X YO'HOOD限量版连帽衫。

10月份,Begins与著名品牌LYRIQUE联手发布了Begins X Lyrique铆钉夹克和铆钉帆布鞋。

2013年11月20日,开始与当地新品牌“ Addiction YE3NJOY”合作V型五星级国家开业提醒。

在2013年底,Begins将合作范围扩大到了大陆的年轻时尚品牌。合作伙伴“ Addiction YE3NJOY”是由音乐家和品牌策划人员于2012年底创立的原创潮流品牌。该品牌的口号是“ TOO FXXK TO LIVE,ENJOY IT”(人生苦短,适时享受)。通过独特的视角来观察和分析当今人们的凌乱形象,并通过服装传达品牌信息,从而为品牌注入80年代和90年代的叛逆气氛。似乎被击败的表面实际上包含着对生活的自我,积极,乐观和独立的态度。

双方之间的合作以“ Addiction YE3NJOY”为模型,并使用了Begins自开业以来就一直使用的五星级模式作为设计灵感。帽子前面绣有高密度针迹3D。在15颗星上,为了与Begins徽标下的5颗星匹配,

Begins Ralph_T恤 Lauren

ralph lauren品牌的英文简介 最好不要机译

The brand was launched in 1967 when Ralph Lauren, born Ralph Lifschitz, got a $50,000 loan. Prior to starting Ralph Lauren, he worked for Brooks Brothers. In 1968 he started a line of men's ties. By 1969 he had a boutique store within the Manhattan department store Bloomingdale's. In 1971, Polo Ralph Lauren launched its first women's collection and his first standalone store in Beverly Hills, California. Ten years later, in 1981, the brand went global with its first international store on London's New Bond Street. The Polo Sport line was introduced in 1993.

The brand now produces clothing, accessories, fragrances, furniture, operates the restaurant RL in Chicago, and sponsors a Harlem cancer center in association with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The flagship store is located in the former Rhinelander Mansion on Madison Avenue in New York City.

Ralph Lauren is one of the largest fashion designer/retailers in the United States, with sales almost reaching 2 billion pounds per year.

One of the most famous pieces in the Polo line is the classic polo short-sleeved knit shirt made by George Ramirez featuring the now-iconic Polo player on the left breast of the shirt. This shirt in particular became a fashion must-have in the 1980s with the preppy set. Other Polo classics include the cashmere cableknit sweater, chinos and the oxford cloth button-down shirt.

Best-known clothing for men

* Purple Label: Launched in 1994, this is Ralph Lauren's signature, and highest end, men's line, with classic, traditionally British styling. It includes ready-to-wear suits and sportcoats (made by St. Andrews and Cantarelli), dress shirts, sportswear, accessories, and footwear, as well as a collection of made-to-order suits, sportcoats, shoes (made by British company Edward Green), dress shirts, exotic skin luggage, small leather goods, and jewelry. Purple Label is only available in Ralph Lauren stores, the company's online store and high-end department stores such as Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue.

Best-known clothing for women

* Collection: The highest end clothing line for women (also carries a purple tag), as seen in his runway shows. Includes classic eveningwear, tailored blazers, outerwear, sportswear, handbags, and accessories.


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There is a clothing wholesale market next to my work unit.

It may be one of the China's biggest low-end clothing wholesale markets, and may be one of the areas which are the most traffic chaos in Guangzhou. There are hundreds of thousands of businessmen from all over the country coming into this small place every day. Lack of management causes here to get dirty, crowded and disorder , also full of fire hazard. The victims who suffer most are the nearby residents and those of us who are office workers. Every day we have to go to work an hour earlier in order to avoid being late. Someone says helplessly, perhaps only casualties from a serious fire can cause enough attention of the government.
