当然,您必须单独纳税。 自然人只能被视为法人代表,纳税人是法人。 只要公司成立并具有法人身份,它将纳税。 两家公司是两个独立的法人,当然,它们必须分别计算和纳税。
这个问题是这样的。 我认为作弊并不容易,当然也不会被其他人要求专门介绍他。 据我所知,各种保险公司会不断招募新移民做生意,以增加业务量,难免会强烈推荐新移民购买保险,甚至是新移民的亲戚朋友购买保险。
是否去,关键是看您是否对这项工作感兴趣。 也就是说,如果您对营销感兴趣,可以尝试一下。 如果您对这项工作不感兴趣,建议您不要这样做。
简而言之,骗局不应太多。 他说的凭据应该是保险代理人的资格证书。 如果您有庞大的客户群,如果您愿意开展这项业务,也许您会做得很好。
You pay less tax and ask the company to compensate :) In practice, tax avoidance is often a conspiracy between the two parties, and it is not appropriate to disagree from the beginning. Because some are not entirely in the category of labor employment or human resources, they may not necessarily receive economic compensation and other benefits like labor disputes. And since "tax avoidance" is certainly taken at the beginning of some precautionary measures, proof is often difficult....